Chicken & Bean Stew

Chicken & Bean Stew

Jalapeno Sauce

Jalapeno Sauce

Granola Sushi

Granola Sushi

Grab N Go Gazpacho

Grab N Go Gazpacho

SunButter Sunflower Snack

SunButter Sunflower Snack

Gluten Free Pancakes

Gluten Free Pancakes



My website and media pages are a mixture of product reviews, recipes and advice mixed with a tinge of humor. I write, I cook and I laugh and I aim to make everyone else do the same.

About Me  As a previous Food Allergy Consultant, I bridged the gap between the time that someone is diagnosed with a food allergy and how to begin their new journey into the world of allergy-friendly foods. I am certified in BioIndividual Nutrition. Please visit my complete Profile page for more details of my expertise. Although I no longer offer food allergy consultation, I am always open to working with products to help others see beyond the box.                        

About My Recipes As a Kitchen Geek, I offer a variety of skills and partnerships to those within the food allergy community. Whether it be sharing a new allergy-friendly product, developing a new, unique recipe, sharing on social media, writing or attending an expo, I continue to expand the ways that I can help each and every one of you who needs it. My YouTube channel videos and Pinterest page can help you produce my newest recipes within minutes using minimal ingredients and many of your favorite products. Food allergies are not about limiting your diet, they are about expanding it. There are no rules, it’s your kitchen! You are not limited by your foods, just your knowledge on how to use them.

I am always seeking to partner with new companies and products as well as connect to everyone in our community. I welcome everyone to stay connected to receive daily information on all of my social media channels with just the click of a button. If you are a company that is looking for a new way to share what you have for others, take a peek at my typical professional services then contact me so we can brainstorm for an even better idea. Anything that I can do is helpful but anything that I can do with others makes the word reach further to those who need it.